Tuesday 20 March 2018

Yukon Adventure

I'd love to share with you about one of our Yukon Adventures we've had recently.  
It was a glorious day the Lord had made, and we wanted to be outside.

We took a hike up to a lake not far from our home.  About a 12km round trip.  

We followed a well packed skidoo trail and even then in the warmer weather 
we've been having it was quite soft in spots.  

The sun was shining brilliantly, and we definitely needed sunglasses.  
Since we didn't all have some along, we took turns.  

There were wonderful stands of trees around, and below you can see the stand of trees in the middle of the picture.  This is where we stopped to have a snack and rest.

We had hauled a sled with us, and then took out the blanket and laid it on the snow.  
Next time a tarp should be in order so that we didn't get wet! yes...afterthought.

My daughter poured the hot chocolate (Yes that is a must on a winter picnic!),
and we shared around cookies and apples.  

Love this little sled as it held a big blanket, the snack bag, extra dry clothing, snowshoes and my daughter's big camera case.  

My daughter loves to take pictures with her nice camera wherever she goes. :) 

My boys pulled out their snowshoes after having a break and explored the area around where we stopped at the edge of the lake.

Of course Sophie our dog was with us and had a grand ol' time!

Lastly, so it proves I was there....a pic of me out in the snow 
where I'd gone to get a better view of the  lake. 

Thanks for dropping by!
Praying you have a lovely day enjoying the blessings of the Lord's creation!



Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Jennifer you amaze me with your creativity for adventure in places/conditions that most of us would say, "uh uh - no way"! You live in such a beautiful place and are creating such great memories for your kids! The time passes by so quickly before they are 'out on their own' and I just know they will reflect back on these special days years and years from now! I HOPE I remember this next winter - we have a few beautiful forest preserves very close to us and I'd like to do a picnic like yours. I don't think I can pull a sled there on the streets but I think a picnic in the woods on a snowy day would be quite an adventure for me since I tend to 'hibernate' when the temps drop below 40 haha! Thanks for sharing all of your lovely pictures!

Andrea Ostapovitch said...

How wonderful...a beautiful day indeed!

Enjoy the rest of your week,

Danielle Dunn said...

It was tons of fun. :) Great exercise to lol!!!

Rachel S said...

What a beautiful landscape! We rarely get snow here and I loved your photos!

September Violets said...

You certainly had a wonderful time out on the trails! That's a good hike! We do a couple of hikes that long when camping, and I am exhausted afterwards. What a gorgeous day, and gorgeous scenery you are so lucky to enjoy. Have a great week Jennifer!