Sunday 11 March 2018

Nurturing a Love for Growing Things

For one of our homeschool group meetings, a Mom taught us all how to plant sprouts in soil and
 let them grow to about this big, and then eat them!!!  
They are delicious!  These being sunflower sprouts.  

We all planted some sprouts of our own.  
Add a bit of soil to the bottom of your container, load it down with soaked sunflower sprout seeds, and then cover with some soil to help keep them moist.  Water often.  
It didn't take long for our sprouts to come us and be eaten. :)  Yum! 

We did save out one little sunflower sprout that had lots of roots and planted him in his own pot.  
Just to see how he grows.
We like to do these little experiments. :) 

It is wonderful to nurture the love of growing things in our children.  
So they can know where food comes from, 
to learn to provide some foods for themselves, and 
most of all to see the amazing creation that the Lord God has made!

This wonderful Amazing Seeds magazine was ordered from Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Co. by a fellow homeschool mom.  She shared copies with all the kids in the homeschool group we attend. 
You can click on the above link to order your own. 

It is a fantastic magazine with lots of trivia, 

interesting stories,

information on plants,

and flowers.

This was very interesting for all the kids as they browsed through them and then shared something with the group that they thought was interesting.  

I hope you have a wonderful day!  Perhaps even taking some time to think about gardening. 



God's Grace Overflows said...

How fun! We love to watch things grow around here. I am SO dreaming of Spring! It is very brown and very dry here this year. The weather people are saying we are in a drought! So not good. We need moisture!!!
My middle son loves to grow things! He has a very green thumb like his dad. I don't know if we'll plant the greenhouse this year as we will be gone a lot this Summer traveling.

Sunflower sprouts do sound delightful though!! :)

Enjoy your week...

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

What fun to learn how to grow your own sprouts! I have just planted seeds for our garden, tomatoes, peppers and peas. Peas I will hopefully plant in 2-3 weeks. Tomatoes and peppers won't go in the ground until late May. We have to start all our seeds here to give them a head start because of our slow growing season, like you. I do love to garden! I look forward to spring every year :) Wonderful to have such a great homeschool group to be a part of!

September Violets said...

What a great way to experiment! I would never think to eat sunflower sprouts.