Monday 24 April 2023

Homemaking Mondays: Hope for What is to Come

I hope you are having a beautiful day!
There are so many little things that have been 
coming into my days this week to make me smile.
Like pulling out the last of the garlic from the pantry
to tuck up with the ginger and onions by the stove. 
I also decided to hang up my ladle measuring spoons.
Convenient and pretty as well.
With the spring has brought bouts of snow and rain.
Oh I do love the sound of the rain on the metal roof
as I go to sleep at night.
The plants are doing well and I look forward to planting 
them out in another month or so.
I've had some computer issues this past week
and I'm so thankful that I have a husband and son 
that are skilled at getting me what I need to be 
back online again.

I've opened up my greenhouse again for the season.
I've been arranging pots to organize them 
for the plants I'll be growing in them.
Even with all the snow outside it's quite nice in there.
I plucked off my boots and went barefoot.
Hung up my coat and enjoyed the warmth
and cooling as the clouds passed over the sun.

I started my first greens out there:
Spinach, lettuce, kale, & swiss chard.
It's not a heated greenhouse so I've put on some frost protection.
Some plastic and then a couple layers of row covers.
I'm starting small.
Trying not to get too ahead of myself. 
It's hard when you have the itch to grow things again.
I will be planting my carrots in pots today.
Just one more little step.

I took my seeds out to the greenhouse
and the sticks to mark things
but then had to go back to the house for a marker.
One can never seem to remember everything on the 
first trip out there.
I also got the staple gun and patched up a spot in the plastic
that had come apart with all the snow on the roof.'s all good now for the season.

I also would like to share with you the pillow cover 
I crocheted. 
I had started it as a blanket but found
that it was just too heavy and dense.
I loved the pattern so I finished it off into
a pillow.
It's so soft and beautiful.
The colour was called night sky.

Here is a little touch of green for you.
I love how in the spring 
the first signs of colour come
from the mosses.  
Some tucked in the garden as this is,
some amongst the rocks in sunny patches of the yard.
Little bits of hope for what is to come.

Thanks for dropping by! 
I pray you have a delightful day! 

Love and Prayers,

Monday 17 April 2023

Homemaking Mondays: Life is Blooming- Canning, Baking, & More Plants


Life is blooming regardless
of the big fluffy flakes of snow descending 
on us once again.
Yesterday we had quite a bit of sunshine 
and that has prompted more blooms to open 
on the geraniums. 
It's bringing lots of colour to the windows. 

It's been a lovely week of projects.
I was gifted this wonderful new blue bundt pan
by a dear friend.
Then given some bananas by another friend.

SO...I made some banana bread.
I find that making the same old recipes
in new pans makes it feel new and fun.

This past weekend I went to a plant swap
that was held at one of the local garden centres.
It was mostly for house plants but I did take some 
tomatoes and traded for these lovely new to me plants.
Well, when I was young my mother did have a couple of them
and it's nice to have those varieties in my home now.
They will need to find special homes inside the house 
but for now I'm keeping them off to themselves 
just to make sure they didn't bring any visiting bugs.

Last week when I went to the grocery
I was able to get a bunch of chicken and beef
on discount and so I did some canning.
I canned up some beef strew as well as 
cooked up some for a meal.
I didn't add any carrots to the canned stew 
as I will be adding in dehydrated carrots when I warm it up.
I have a bunch of dehydrated carrots to use up.
My stew is simple
beef, potatoes, onions, garlic, and salt. 
When I open the jars 
I add in pepper, worcestershire sauce, & carrots.
I find if I add the pepper when it's canned it
can be a bit strong.

The chicken canned up nicely as well
and looked so pretty as the sun was shining in
on them all nicely washed up and ready for the pantry.
I had canned a dozen but one of the jars has been 
used up for chicken gravy over biscuits.

As the day goes
the boys are doing their lessons
and I am needing to go putter in the kitchen.
I have dishes to put away that were washed last night, 
and bread to make.
Lovely acts of homemaking.

Thanks for dropping by!

Love and Prayers,

Monday 10 April 2023

Homemaking Mondays: Time for Homemaking


Time for Homemaking.
All of our homemaking days look different
and then each home is different. 

Today I want to just share a few aspects 
of homemaking in my home. 
Above I found this cute little clock 
to sit on the bookshelf in the living room.
It helps me to keep track of where I am in the day.
From my chair in the living room I can no longer see 
the clock in the kitchen as my pothos plants have grown too big.
Now I have no excuses. 

I love to be in the kitchen making and creating
healthy from scratch things for my family. 
That said, not all the from scratch things are healthy.
Sweets are just that.
Below I was making cinnamon coffee cake.
It was a recipe that used sour cream 
and I had to sub some yogurt as I was short on the cream.
Yes, I do know how to make both the sour cream
and the yogurt but didn't have any at this time. 
I also grind grain for baking but not this day.
The eggs are local and that makes 
me smile as I am not able to have chickens of my own.

Sometimes homemaking means grabbing an omelette 
and a store-bought croissant with tea for breakfast. 
I am enjoying Earl Grey Vanilla.
I find that in the cooler times of year I enjoy 
black teas but in the summer I'll be turning more
to the herbal teas. 
In the not too distant future there will be wonderful
things to harvest for tea in nature and in the garden.

There is homeschooling.
Today we were working on poetry.
The Mountain - by Robert Frost
We're working at kinda picking apart the poem
and pointing out things that we notice
and defining words.
It will get more detailed as we go.
I started it off to show what I meant and then 
my son was taking over.

Then there is gardening. 
I am enjoying growing starters for our gardens.
As the light come around the house they are bathed 
in a lovely glow. 
These are snapdragons and chamomile in the background.
I planted comfrey seeds today that I had 
put in my freezer to give them their "winter time".
Squash and cucumbers will be planted in a little bit.
The snow outside is melting but still has a long way to go.

I have been enjoying trying this new herringbone crochet stitch.
I was first of all thinking of making a blanket
but that is not going to happen.
It's just too heavy and even though I love the stitch
it's going to be made into a pillow cover instead.

The flowers are blooming!
There are shamrock, geranium, violet, and narcissus 
blossoms cheering our home.
This is a part of homemaking that I believe is important.
It gives colour and life. 
Real plants and flowers also make me think of 
the fact that someone needs to be around and attentive
to them for them to exist. 
Yes, there are fake flowers and plants that are looking 
quite real but it's not quite the same.
Like keeping the home fires burning, one must 
be home to water the plants.

Then baking bread is one of my 
most favourite aspects of homemaking.
With calls out there to go keto or grain free
I just cannot give up the beauty of homemade bread.
"Give us this day our daily bread"
It is still food and can still be nourishing.
I just made some sourdough bread.
It does take a bit more time then the regular 
sandwich loaves but I think it's worth it.

Making time for all the things that are needful
and then taking time for those extras
that make our homes inviting.

Cleaning is an important aspect of homemaking. 
Everything from dusting shelves to washing floors.
All has it's place and we need to make time for it.

I hope you have a wonderful day 
keeping your home! 
Thanks for dropping by to see some of mine. 

Love and Prayers,

Monday 3 April 2023

Homemaking Mondays: Cutting Boards and Potting Soil


I hope this lovely spring day finds you well.
The sun is peeking out from the clouds 
and the temperature is starting to rise again.
It snowed more last night and the evergreens 
are dusted white yet again.
It is that time of year when spring and winter 
battle back and forth.

As that happens I feel 
a need for change stirring in me.
This week at the Dollar Store I found
a wonderful deal on cutting/serving boards.
I think they are beautiful in all their colour strains.
A couple are from mango wood and the other is Acacia.
Useful and beautiful
ready to be pulled out and placed on our table.
I do love the resurgence of cutting board to 
a more prominent part of our kitchens.
I've been seeing it more and more the 
cottage core ideals of displaying our most useful 
tools in our kitchens.
Beauty and practicality together.
I also have to admit I like 
what some would consider 
a more cluttered countertop.
I like to have things I need available 
without having to dig in a cupboard for them. 

I believe it's important 
to use our pretty items as our regular items
and not always saving them for some 
special occasion.
To make even the most humblest 
meal a special time.
For the homemaker to put forth
this extra effort to make 
everyone feel welcome and invited
at each meal.

Talking about digging for things.
This week my sons brought in all my little potting items
to the sunroom so that I could get started with up potting the seedlings
that are too crowded in their trays.
I organized them a bit, 
then got to work filling them with potting soil.
Sometimes I use potting soil and other times garden soil.
I find the same results with either.
I love having this shelf to work at so I'm not always 
dirtying up my kitchen.

I do enjoy having this little
wooden bench in the sunroom.
It's a lovely place to sit and enjoy 
the brightness and warmth
in the shelter from the wind.
I really would like to find another
set of wind chimes to hang on this side of the house.

As the outdoor world slowly melts and warms
I am feeling the need for flowers.
My geraniums and violets are blooming,
as well as the narcissus bulbs 
I planted are starting to bloom.
If that were not enough I bought some 
beautiful pink stocks at the grocery store.
It is really a strategic spot for them to place 
these lovely pots of flowers.

Even though it is nice to have colour in winter,
it is the springtime that seems the desire 
for colour abounds.

I pray you have some added colour 
added to your days.

Love and Prayers,