Sunday 30 December 2018

Homemaking Mondays: Crafting and Tea

Hello!  Welcome to Homemaking Mondays.
As this year comes to a close...I reflect on the past year.  

There has been much crafting and tea in the last year.  
Learning new skills and also learning limitations that I have. 
It has been a year of the Lord working in my life and in my home for His glory. 
I really enjoyed doing the Biblical studies about homemaking as it gives
a firmer understanding of my role in the home.
This year for Homemaking Mondays, I'm going to be sharing about things 
the Lord is doing in my home each week. 

While looking for a gift for my daughter's birthday this past month I found these cute little tins that are good for storing stitch markers, darning needles and special buttons.  
One was for her, the other for my older daughter, and one for me. :) 
The special scissors were for her. 
Every sewing/ needle-working basket needs a good pair of scissors...
being very pretty helps to. 
As my kids get goal is to slowly help them build up their own 
"toolboxes" for when they have homes of their own. 

I have a lot of tea and I must say that my tea shelves had become quite an embarrassing mess.  
That needed some attention. 
My daughter and I took everything out, sorted it and put it back in. 
A bit more organized now and easier to get to. 
It's right beside my kitchen sink.

With all that tea arranging a cup of tea was in order! 
I actually grabbed the sugar bowl of my blue country I could have a bigger cup. 

Last January I embarked on making a temperature shawl. 
You can read about it HERE!
I must say that it was very tedious to remember each week to check and average the temperatures...and must say that I won't be doing this again.  
But for the is an interesting way to keep track of the general 
temperature pattern of the year. 
My shawl wasn't quite long enough for my shoulders....
so I put a border on it and it can be for a baby blanket.

The temperatures this year...especially this winter have been very different then past years. 
This winter we've had so many Chinooks and melting periods.  
We don't have as much snow as usual and it's all covering lots of ice. 

With the warmer weather there has been a lot less sunshine as well.  
So when there have been days where the sun shone, and the sky was a powdery blue....
it gave me pause to just stand and gaze out the windows.  
At our place, the direct sunlight only comes in the window for a few minutes each day. 
The sun will start to climb higher in the sky now and that time will grow. 
Then will be time to start planting seeds!!! 

Thank you for joining me today! 
Praying the next year brings lots of growth in the LORD,
and blessings in all of your homes as in mine! 

Love and Prayers,

Monday 17 December 2018

Yarn Between My Fingers

I know I've been kind of quiet on here as of late.  
The year is coming to a close and there has been yarn between my fingers. 

As the world outside is reveling in idolatry, I like to stay out of it as much as possible. 
My children are taking a bit of a winter's break.
Snuggled into our warm home we are finding things to keep ourselves busy with. 

So...I've been doing some new  yarn things.  
Above I learned to knit a cowl.  I love the stockinette stitch. 
I used a set of circular needles for this and put a rib of knit/pearl rows on each end.  
I used some soft Bernat yarn and it will be cozy for someone.

This set of scarves that I crocheted were very quick and easy.  
I looked all over for patterns and let me tell you...there is no end of them!  
I finally decided to just choose a couple different stitches.  
So each scarf has a set repeating rows.  
One row half double crochet, then one row of half double crochet cross stitches.  
I didn't add any fringes since I'm not very competent at that...and they are still nice. 

 Lastly, I made this double v-stitch crocheted scarf. 
I used up the last of three balls of purple yarn I had. 

Now...what will be next?  
Do you have yarn between your fingers?  
What are you making? 

Love and Prayers,

Monday 3 December 2018

Winter Is Settling In

Winter is settling in at last.  It's been so unseasonably warm that it's been quite the adjustment.  
Now it's sitting around -10C.  
There is not a lot of snow, but the trees are all frosty with some snow and look amazing!  

The wood stove is piping hot with a kettle of hot water on top for tea at a moments notice. 

I have taken on the challenge of learning to knit socks, and thus far it's going well.  
I have yet to make it to the heel yet...I might need lots of help with that. :)

We had a little birdie friend join us for a few hours as she recuperated from  hitting one of our windows.  We named her Ladybird. 
The first time we tried to let her go, she wouldn't leave my back in the cage she went. 
The next time she was happy to be free again. Joined by her friends, they left for the night.

The sun came out for a visit this past Friday.  It was a stunning day as the sunlight glinted off the snow and the blue sky was immense. 

The grasses were adorned with lovely frosty snow.

My children joined some other homeschoolers for a try at kick sledding. 
They had a wonderful time.  They stuck closely to the trail that had been laid out for them. 
Not a lot of snow, but they still did well.
All until the last round around through the trees.  
My older son was pushing my younger daughter and they went off the trail.
She bailed, and he hit the stump and somersaulted kicking her in the face.
She had to be taken to the hospital to make sure her nose wasn't broken. 
It wasn't, but she is sporting a nice bruise. 

 Winter is such a nice time to snuggle down in the darker light and enjoy the warmth of home. 
I hope you are enjoying your winter time! 

Love and Prayers,

Tuesday 20 November 2018

A Pom Pom for Me

Today I'd like to share with you a pom pom for me. 

I needed a new hat for the winter, and my girls were interested in pom poms.  
I was getting some yarn at the sweet little yarn shop in town and they had a basket of lovely pom poms there.  They were made from wolf fur so I knew they would be durable and not mat up.

I chose to use the ball of wool by Drops called "Big Delight". 
It is such a nice yarn to work with.  
I chose the pattern called Malia Beanie.  
Very easy and I love the way it comes together at the top. 
The brim can be worn down or rolled up nicely. 
It would look very lovely with or without a pom pom as well.

I added the pom pom to mine, and I really love it!  
Perfect for winter!

Do you like pom poms? 

Love and Prayers,

Monday 19 November 2018

Warm Woollen Shawl

A warm woollen shawl.  
Something wonderful to wrap about your shoulders.
To add that touch of comfort that you need on colder days. 

I used a pattern called "A Time for All Seasons".
It was a very nice pattern to work with and it isn't too heavy or too light. 
 I didn't follow the pattern all the way to the end as I was running out of yarn...and just customized the edging so that it was finished nicely to the length that I needed.  

Then of course I want to mention the yarn I used to make it. 
It is the yarn that is on the left in the picture below.  
It is has an old fashioned kind of feel to it. 
It's not perfectly the same all the way through the ball, and it is two strand. 
It's from Canada, from a small Alberta town.  
Custom Woolen Mills

Thanks for dropping by!  
I hope you are enjoying the first part of the winter... or fall time ...or summer where ever you may be. 
We are having a chinook here in the Yukon at the moment and things are melting.  
I'm looking forward to the colder temps so that we can skate and snowshoe again.  

Love and Prayers,

Monday 12 November 2018

Homemaking Mondays: A Quiet Place of Rest

Hello!  Today I'd love to share with you a bit about a quiet time in my home.  
Above is my living room.  It's an older picture...there are lace curtains now and a new small table under the window by my husband's chair.  It gives you an idea though.  

There are moments in a home that are so special you sear them into your memory.  
I had one of those moments last night.  
In our living room...the family gathered just spending time together for no other reason then just to be together.  My girls and I each crocheting our own projects.  My youngest son snuggled in a blanket up against me on the couch.  My oldest son driving a truck on his Dad's back..and then falling asleep on his legs.  My husband sleeping quietly.  Then our dog laying on her bed all content.  
Peace . Quiet . Togetherness . Precious .

These are special times and I am blessed to have them often in my home.  
No outside distractions to pull us away from each other's company. 
We have our evenings mostly quiet and at home.  
We have our family Bible time each night before the kids go to bed. 
We take time away from the computers and chores to just be together.  
It is one of my favourite times, and often gives me pause to thank the Lord for His abundant goodness to me.  At that moment I have all that I ever wanted.  
A home and family full of the Word of God and His blessings.  

Do you ever get carried away by busyness?  Into the evenings?  Into planning things for the evenings?  Perhaps planning for quiet evenings at home would be an idea.  
Just shut down the distractions and gather in the same room.  
I am often surprised at the conversations that come about. The sewing/ crocheting that we share, the board games or other quiet games that are started.  Sometimes there is quiet music, sometimes we make our own.  Sometimes there are books/scriptures read and shared.  Just being together in one room has a special comfort to it.  A blessing of family. 

Love and Prayers,

Monday 5 November 2018

Homemaking Mondays: Unfeigned Faith

2 Timothy 1:5
"When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also."

When I read this verse it gives me cause to pause.  
What do others remember of us?  Do they see and remember unfeigned faith in us? 

UNFEIGNEDadjective Not feigned; not counterfeit; not hypocritical; real; sincere; as unfeigned piety to God; unfeigned love to man. (Webster's 1828 Dictionary)

Do they see our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ?  
Is our faith alive and growing? Is it shared with those we know and meet?
Paul says this of Timothy...but what he says next really stirs me.  

Which dwelt first (speaking of the unfeigned faith) in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice. Two godly women in his life.  It is very apparent that they didn't keep their faith to themselves. It does not mention who was saved first, the grandmother or the mother, but they both had the same faith in the Lord Jesus.  
They obviously shared this faith with Timothy.  What a testimony to the love of God in bringing saving faith to their child.  
It stirs me to share more and more with my children.  
To talk with them about the Lord Jesus "in the way".  

I encourage you to read Luke chapter 24: 13-32 regarding two men that were walking in the way...talking about what had just happened concerning the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.  Jesus joined them (although they did not perceive it was him).  When He saw that they were not understanding, he brought them to understanding through His word!  Not just talking about things, but going back to what was already written in scripture. 
"And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself." Luke 24:27b

Ought we not do this also?  In our regular everyday comings and goings..should we not be talking about the Lord Jesus with our children? Telling them of the great things the Lord has done, and taking them to the scriptures as the Lord Jesus gave us example?  
 Luke 24:32
"And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?"

It does not need to be an intense in depth study each time.  It can just be proclaiming the scriptures to them.  As we do things as simple as washing the dishes or laundry.  Talking about the Lord Jesus and how he washes away sin when you repent and believe on the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of your sin.  When disciplining our children, explaining to them why something is wrong, and what the Lord says about it.  Take them to the scriptures for them to read it for they know it's not just you saying something...but that they hear it from the Lord himself.  For the Bible is God's word!  That is how He speaks to us today, through the written word.  Do our hearts burn within us when we delve into the Truth written in the pages of our Bibles?

Persuaded in thee also.  Knowing the faith of the is evident that Timothy was also holding to that same faith.  Can we say that about our children?  We have such a ministry in our own homes for the Lord.  
The Lord can save our children and use them for His glory! 

Love and Prayers,

Thursday 1 November 2018

Winter Has Begun

Winter has begun here in our part of the world.  
The snow has come and it's cold enough to stay.  

We got one big dump (well for us in a semi arid area). :)  I know it's laughable to some. 
From then we have had lovely snow flurries. 
The big fluffy snowflakes wandering aimlessly down.  
A very quieting time watching them. 

Our dog loves to play with the squirrels.  They are all very used to her...and know she won't hurt them.  Sophie doesn't bite them, but sometimes she does catch them and then let them go. 
In the above picture you can see the squirrel under the tree in it's stash watching Sophie who is eyeing him to. 

We have put out our feeders as the bears have hopefully, gone to sleep for the winter.  
We call them the feeders as the birds and squirrels both use them.  
We at this  point have the resident squirrels, grey jays, and chickadees around.  
I hope the pine grosbeaks and red poles come back. 
We have a mealworm farm for our leopard gecko, and when we have too many worms we give them to the birds as well. 
We don't have feeders in the summer due to the bears that are around.  We share our area with about 6-8 bears depending on the season.  We don't want to encourage them to hang around our yard.  
Walking through is ok, but visiting isn't. 

As the weather gets colder and colder, I am enjoying crocheting more.  
I am working on a new shawl made with wool that is from Carstairs, Alberta.  
It's really nice wool.  It will be nice and warm.  
I'll share the finished shawl and pattern later.

Many  look at winter with sadness, but I love winter to.  It's a time when you can do things that are different like snowshoeing, skating, sliding, sparklers....and so much more.  Here with the winter comes lots of darkness. It's hard at times, but it's wonderful to now see the stars and moon that are not visible through the long Yukon summer light.  I always look forward to the northern lights.  
I was blessed to get a new pair of snow pants this year so being outside will be more comfortable. 

Every season has it's blessings and beauty. 

Love and Prayers,

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Approved Unto God

Homemaking Mondays: Approved Unto God

As we've been going through some passages in Titus, Timothy, and Proverbs...a reoccurring theme has come up.  That is our focus needs not be ourselves, or our families, or our homes.  Our focus needs to be the Lord Jesus Christ.  

We can do all what we can, and then one day we'll burn out because we are attempting to create a home without the Lord being the focus.  We need to seek out His company,  His direction, and His strength to be good homemakers.  
We find lessons all through scripture and we need to study things out to know the truth.  We need to put things in context, and understand the whole picture.   
We need to study God's word, taking time each day to feed on the word.  It's the bread of's just as important as regular food for our stomachs.

Matthew 4:4
"But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

2 Timothy 3:16-17
" All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works."
The Bible is God's word, we need nourishment from it and it's not going to come by osmosis.  We need to read it and have others speak it to us.  

Feeling a bit discouraged, or overwhelmed... take it to the Lord and spend some time with Him.  Open your Bible and get some nourishment to be strengthened.  Sometimes it takes a bit of chewing on to get the full benefit of it.

I know that life is sometimes very full and sitting down on one's own for any period of time is at times an immense challenge.  I have found that even just leaving my Bible open on the counter and reading some verses as I pass by gives me nourishment.  Then by the end of the day it is surprising how much I've been able to feed on throughout the day.  Sometimes a dictionary is needed to understand some words.  Take time to look things up.  Part of studying is not just reading...but doing a bit of digging.  Mulling it over and meditating on it's meanings.

Reading to the kids as they eat, or reading verses that are displayed throughout the home (or sharing what you are reading) also gives them nourishment as well.  We have a family Bible time each evening that my husband leads us in.  

I know that many people focus on the hands on aspects of homemaking (and that is an important part of our time).  We all need older women in our lives to help us learn the skills of homemaking (Titus 2:5 referring to Keepers at Home).  Being a keeper at home doesn't mean that we follow all the fads of homemaking out there...but just that we learn what the needs of our home are and the best way to met them.

There is another layer added when it's an older Christian woman that is teaching.  They add the spiritual nourishment.  It's not just how to clean, or following a recipe out of the cookbook.  Helping to point out the eternal value in all that we do in the everyday keeping of our homes.  They share the scriptures as they do.
They help us with training our children in righteousness, in loving our husbands with respectful submission, and in doing the everyday practical needs with joy and a servants heart.
Teaching how to create a home where the Lord is glorified, our families needs are met both in a carnal earthly way, but also in an eternal way as well.

In a christian home, things of eternal value are integrated in all that we do and say.
We need to rest in the Lord each day for only through Him can our homes glorify Him.  Through all of'll lead us back to being approved until God.  The Word when it is alive in your life, it'll be alive in your home as well.  When the Holy Spirit of Truth is leading you, everything becomes clearer...even the everyday needs of the home.

Love and Prayers,

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Berry Woollen Blanket

I have a lovely woollen crochet blanket I'd like to share with you. 

I was gifted with some lovely woolen yarn for my birthday. 
This is a real treat to have wool yarn to use. 
I pondered for a while as to what I'd make with it. 

I went and bought a few more balls of yarn that they had since this brand was on clearance and I wanted to make something bigger then first intended.  
I didn't want to make it too big as I need to hand wash it. 
This is wool from Peru....thought that was cool!

I settled on a giant granny square blanket for me to snuggle in on my bed. 
I decided to make two rows of each colour, and the pattern changed a bit as I moved outward as some of the yarn was used up (and the store was out of that colour). 

To finish it off, I just added simple scallops to it.  
It is lovely and warm, and fits me and one of my younger children under it as we snuggle on my bed and chat. My bed often is a place to congregate and share deep conversations, or just snuggle, or read together, or crochet, or pay games.  
You get the idea... a lovely meeting place, 
and now under a lovely warm new blanket. 

Thank you for dropping by!  

Love and Prayers,

Monday 15 October 2018

Homemaking Mondays: A Virtuous Woman Part 5

Welcome to Homemaking Mondays! 

Proverbs 31: 28
"Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her."

This is such a wonderful testimony!  Those that she serves in the home have been not only the recipients of her efforts, but they have been blessed by them.  
They rise up... it's not an off hand comment they make, but a whole hearted proclamation. 
Her husband also praiseth her.  What a huge witness this is of what she has done.  
It is not empty praise.  It is the acknowledgement publicly that she has done well in serving the Lord in her home.  This is what all of us homemakers should desire to strive for.  
How do your children and husband feel about  you when they reflect upon you? 

Proverbs 31:29
"Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all."

Here the praise of this particular virtuous woman is a bit greater then that of just the average virtuous woman.  It states many daughters... there are many that are virtuous.  Then it adds the but.  This particular woman is noted for being even more virtuous then the others.  

Not that this particular virtue is a competition.  Those women who seek after the Lord and what He would have them to do in the home will be duly noted.  

Proverbs 31:30
"Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised."

One who seeks favour from a source of motivation is misguided.  For it is deceitful and one cannot hold ones value or standard through the favour of others.  
Beauty...I am sure we can all agree, that beauty is vain, and fades.  Whether our own, or a is a shallow way to value oneself or others.  Favour, and beauty often draw attention...but what follows shows a much deeper more important way to be noticed.  I love this but!  A woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised.  Our solid, honest and true value comes when we fear the Lord and are directed by His Word!  When a woman's focus is on pleasing the Lord and doing His will, the result will be praiseworthy.  No flattery here, but pure honest truth.  When we order our steps aright, when we walk according to the will that the Lord has laid out for women, it will show forth a virtuous woman of great worth.  
Honour and praise will be given not only to her, but ultimately to the Lord Jesus Christ!  

Proverbs 31:31
"Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates."

No need for self proclamation need to advertise or promote ourselves.  It will be a natural outcome of living a virtuous life before the Lord and others.  
Others will respect and praise to her our of sincerity. 
What is the testimony you are leaving?  What do others see in you?
Something to ponder. 

Love and Prayers,

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Sweet Potato Spice Bread

Today I'd like to share with you something that was made in my kitchen this week.  

I was wanting something pumpkinish and so I pulled out this recipe I got from
It was for Gluten Free Pumpkin Bread. 
Now I just subbed regular flour for mine.  
I didn't have the pumpkin so I decided to substitute canned sweet potatoes.  
OH yum!  It was so delicious. You couldn't tell the difference.

It was so nice with a cup of hot cocoa to! 

Thanks for dropping by!  
I hope you have a lovely fall day! 


Monday 8 October 2018

A little Blackboard

Just a little post to share with you something that I've put up in my home.  
It is a little blackboard that I found at the free store.  

I have decided to write random Bible verses on it with chalk (not the pens) This is the bookshelf that is at the bottom of the stairs that we notice most often, thought it was a good place for it.  
I added a basket of cones, a couple garden squash too small to eat, and some lemon balm that I am rooting.  The boys added the horse drawn milk truck, and the little cat. :)  

The snow has begun to fall here in the Yukon so the snowflakes that I'd left up from last winter seem to fit once again.  

I took this picture first thing this morning as the sky was starting to lighten.  All that fresh snow makes the outdoors so bright and cheerful. Later in the day the sun came out and oh how gorgeous it was as it sparkled.  

*Oh a little note.  I have been trying to comment of blogs lately....but for some reason it just deletes my comments instead?  So....I am visiting, but not able to leave a comment.  Sorry. 

I hope you have a lovey day! Thanks for dropping by! 


Homemaking Mondays: A Virtuous Woman Part 4

Welcome to Homemaking Mondays!  

Proverbs 31:23
"Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land."

Here it speaks of the husband of the virtuous woman.  He is known in the gates...where the men gathered.  What is your husband known for?  Is he known for the ministry of the Word?  Is he known as being an honourable man. A man of a virtuous woman?  
Sitteth among the elders of the land.  Does this mean your husband is political or popular? No. He could be a leader or a simple tradesman. 
Have you ever seen gatherings of older men around...where they gather to converse.  Where they talk about this and that?  I have, and in these gatherings, often wisdom and understanding is shared.  The world often laughs at these gatherings...of old men.  But they are the elders of our land. 
Those that know the Lord and His word have great opportunities to share in these times.  

Proverbs 31:24
"She maketh fine linen, and selleth it; and delivereth girdles unto the merchant."

Here again we hear of the virtuous woman making fine linen...and putting it up for sale.  She's an entrepreneur of sorts.  This does not mean that this is her calling...or that she has a career business.
No, it just means that she makes some things (more then she needs for her family) and sells them.  This is a good thing...but needs to be kept within the bounds of reason. If a woman can take care of the needs of her home and then do extra...great.  Her first priority is to her families needs.  As women age, and children leave the home, there is more time to spend on other pursuits.  Where there will be more time to spend making extra.   Just a side note here...if the husband is sitting with the elders in the land...his wife no doubt isn't a young wife with lots of young children to care for.  There are many seasons in a women's life, and this passage of scripture encompasses more then one season. 

Proverbs 31:25
"Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come."

There is far more to a woman then her physical looks. She is clothed with her reputation.  
This makes me think of how she is not swayed by what will come.  She has been diligent and responsible with her time to make sure things were done so there will be no lack.  It is a wonderful thing to be able to smile to yourself when as times and events change.... one can see they have what is needed.  This lets me know that she has forethought, not just for clothing but for other things as well. 

Proverbs 31:26
"She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness."

What does it look like when you open your mouth?  This is very challenging.  Do we speak wisdom and kindness?  Are we careful with our words or do we just spout what comes to mind first?  
What a blessing it is to be able to speak words of wisdom in a proper fashion.  
This also goes for knowing when and where to say certain things...if at all.  
One blessing of being around older godly women is that we can learn from them. For wisdom is learned....given by the Lord and we as women are blessed to share what the Lord has taught us. 

Proverbs 31:27
"She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness."

She looketh: the virtuous woman is observant!  She sees and takes note of what is needed for her household.  Such a basic characteristic of this virtuous woman... she's not all focused on herself.  She looks around her... seeing the needs...she gets busy taking care of them.  
Idleness...that is not a good quality, for anyone.  
Here is a definition by Webster's 1828 Dictionary: 
1. Aversion to labor; reluctance to be employed, or to exertion either of body or mind; laziness; sloth; sluggishness. This is properly laziness; but idleness is often the effect of laziness, and sometimes this word may be used for it.

This verse always challenges me to get up and do something.  Spurs me to action.  May we all be active in caring for our homes....meeting the needs that we see there.  

Love and Prayers,

Monday 1 October 2018

Homemaking Mondays: A Virtuous Woman Part 3

Homemaking Mondays: A Virtuous Woman Part 3

Proverbs 31:18
"She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night."

To perceive is a great quality.  It shows wisdom in understanding of what something is worth.  It is a form of judgment.  
In this verse, it is the merchandise that she has that she judges is good. I have a feeling that she wouldn't be pleased with herself if it was not good.  It is a good thing to know the value of what we have, either the merchandise that we have to sell, or the merchandise that we buy. 

I think on this verse...."her candle goeth not out by night." 
It shows that this woman works into the night.  She doesn't just stop when the sun goes down.  
Women have a need to finish things they have been working on.  Also there are many tasks a woman has that happen at night, especially if there are small children in the home, or illness among the family.  
I think it shows the industriousness of a woman.  One that thinks about the needs of the home all day and not just when it's convenient for her.  
A great self sacrificing quality! 

Proverbs 31:19
"She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff."

How industrious she is!  This used to be a common place that one would find a women.  Working at making tread or yarn.  She would be going through the process of creating needful products for her projects (merchandise).  Also for all the things that she will make for her family. 
Do you still make these necessities?  Seems to be more of a hobby in our culture where I live...but a very important skill.  For me I can go to the store and purchase these products already made.  It takes time and consideration to bring in the right products for the needs that we have.  We have to make good judgement calls on quality and quantity.

Proverbs 31:20
"She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her hands to the needy."

Do you take time to consider the poor? The Lord Jesus said that the poor we will always have with us.  There are always others that have needs that, often times we can readily see.  Not just those that are on the streets seeking help, but there are often those in homes, tucked away and suffering quietly.  
From young people, young families, to the elderly.  
It is so very important to take and share from what we have.  Whether it be food, clothing, or time.  We need to make other's needs a part of our lives.  
Remember also what the Lord says about giving. 

Matthew Chapter 6: 1-4

"Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly."

Proverbs 31:21
"She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet."

For those of us in the northern hemisphere...winter is coming!  Are you prepared?  Does your family have what they need for warmth?  I am always challenged with this verse...make sure ahead of time that your family has what they need before the snow comes.  
I am checking the closets to make sure that all the family have warm clothing, socks and long johns.  Then checking for proper coats, mitts, hats, scarves, and footwear. Making note of what is still needed and seeking to either make or purchase those items.  The snow is's on the mountain tops, and will be here with us before long.  The temperatures are dropping.
The virtuous woman looks ahead and prepares for the needs to come.  I think this goes far beyond just clothing..... we need to have long term vision and anticipate the needs of our family.  Then when possible we need to prepare for those needs.  

Proverbs 31:22
"She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple."

Here we see that she also looks to her own needs for clothing.  No doubt she uses the materials she made to create her own attire.  I think it's a wonderful skill to be able to sew.  Just basic things can be created this way, as well as the more elaborate.  Then also you can take clothing and adjust it (alter it) to fit the needs of another.  Great skill to be frugal, in that it allows you to use what you have on hand many times. I our world, sometimes this just means wisely choosing what to buy for attire.  This verse shows us that the virtuous woman wasn't a drab lady... but that she also had lovely attire for herself.  

Love and Prayers,