Monday 21 March 2016

Doilies and Growing Things

Hello Friends!  I have some lovely things I'd like to share with you!  I have been blessed with finding some beautiful doilies.  I have been learning to make my own slowly, but the ones that I have to share are not made by me.
The one above is so huge and nicely fits over my husband's grandmother's treadle sewing machine.  It covers up some of the scars and also protects it a bit better than what I had there before.

My daughter was given this lovely apron pattern and asked me to make it for her.  I love the old fashioned farm scene and I long for the time when I can hang my quilts and blankets out on the line again.  It won't be too much longer.

Here I added an old slightly chipped rose patterned plate and a peachy doily under my one spider plant pot.  I think it helps to nicely fill up that empty looking space. The antler is from my father and comes from one of the caribou he hunted when I was a child.  It tasted good and this antler helps to remember how my father provided for us.  It's always good to know where your food comes from. 

I love this smaller delicate doily that I have tucked under my tea light lamp.  It also helps keep the lamp from scratching the hutch.

Now I'd like to share with you some of my little efforts in starting plants for our garden.  I have six trays now and some extras up against the window.  Some seeds have come up and are doing well, and I planted more yesterday and I'm eager to see them sprout as well.  It's amazing how there's space there now, but soon....they'll be spread out all over the house looking for any good amount of sunshine they can get. :)  I was sitting out in my greenhouse yesterday, just thinking of where I'll put everything.  I'm going to change where I place the benches and I hope that'll make it a bit more navigable.  I have a 10x10 dog pen that we built a roof for and plasticed in. 

The tomatoes were doing well before, but I had a couple tomatoes in each cell and so I separated them and put them in bigger sections so they'll hopefully grow better. I always start more so that if they don't all germinate then I won't have to re-seed.  This year they all came up. :)   I have Early Girl, Siberian, and Yellow Pear tomatoes.

Here are my chives and chamomile.  The chamomile is so small, but looks like it will do well and I'll have lots of lovey chamomile tea for next winter. :)  It's so delicious and the flavour is so much better than store bought.  It's wonderful and soothing.

Sharing with The Art of Homemaking Monday.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

The World Covered in Sunshine

 Hello Friends!  Today has been a world covered in sunshine and I am so very thankful!  To see the sun shining has cheered me and given me energy to help tackle the daily life.  Made some twisty bread instead of buns today.  No they're not pretty, but they were fluffy and delicious. :) 

My seedlings are starting to grow and more seeds are germinating also.  I'm sure the warmth of the sunshine is calling them out.  I don't have a grow light so they are in front of the window, all leaning toward the light.  I turn the trays regularly so that they don't grow too funny.  So nice to get a head start on the garden.
 I'll be planting more come April, but for now there is plenty to watch and keep tabs on.  I had some damping off going on with my chamomile and fennel so I sprayed some peroxide (watered down a bit) and that took care of that problem just fine. 

I was in my bedroom opening up the window and noticed how lovely it was to see the ground under the trees expanding.  Many times through the day the birds are down pecking around and then also helping themselves to our homemade feeder in the tree.   It's around freezing now and the air is so fresh.  Beautiful day!

Thanks for dropping by! I hope you are having a beautiful day to!
Sharing with The Art of Homemaking Mondays.