Monday 3 April 2023

Homemaking Mondays: Cutting Boards and Potting Soil


I hope this lovely spring day finds you well.
The sun is peeking out from the clouds 
and the temperature is starting to rise again.
It snowed more last night and the evergreens 
are dusted white yet again.
It is that time of year when spring and winter 
battle back and forth.

As that happens I feel 
a need for change stirring in me.
This week at the Dollar Store I found
a wonderful deal on cutting/serving boards.
I think they are beautiful in all their colour strains.
A couple are from mango wood and the other is Acacia.
Useful and beautiful
ready to be pulled out and placed on our table.
I do love the resurgence of cutting board to 
a more prominent part of our kitchens.
I've been seeing it more and more the 
cottage core ideals of displaying our most useful 
tools in our kitchens.
Beauty and practicality together.
I also have to admit I like 
what some would consider 
a more cluttered countertop.
I like to have things I need available 
without having to dig in a cupboard for them. 

I believe it's important 
to use our pretty items as our regular items
and not always saving them for some 
special occasion.
To make even the most humblest 
meal a special time.
For the homemaker to put forth
this extra effort to make 
everyone feel welcome and invited
at each meal.

Talking about digging for things.
This week my sons brought in all my little potting items
to the sunroom so that I could get started with up potting the seedlings
that are too crowded in their trays.
I organized them a bit, 
then got to work filling them with potting soil.
Sometimes I use potting soil and other times garden soil.
I find the same results with either.
I love having this shelf to work at so I'm not always 
dirtying up my kitchen.

I do enjoy having this little
wooden bench in the sunroom.
It's a lovely place to sit and enjoy 
the brightness and warmth
in the shelter from the wind.
I really would like to find another
set of wind chimes to hang on this side of the house.

As the outdoor world slowly melts and warms
I am feeling the need for flowers.
My geraniums and violets are blooming,
as well as the narcissus bulbs 
I planted are starting to bloom.
If that were not enough I bought some 
beautiful pink stocks at the grocery store.
It is really a strategic spot for them to place 
these lovely pots of flowers.

Even though it is nice to have colour in winter,
it is the springtime that seems the desire 
for colour abounds.

I pray you have some added colour 
added to your days.

Love and Prayers,

1 comment:

Sister in the Mid-west said...

I really like the style of your counter top display; the Peace Lily, the wooden cutting boards, and the cloth napkins. I don't decorate much, but these items are representative of my life. We have a special Peace Lily. I love wooden cutting boards. We have a basket with all of our cloth napkins that we use daily.
I strongly agree with using pretty things every day. I pull out my pretty cups and dishes out all the time. Yes, they get broken, but at least they were enjoyed. :)
Funny you should talk about soil in this post, I have a post coming out next week detailing a potting soil (near) disaster that happened to me. It is a funny story when all told. :)