Monday 2 October 2023

Homemaking Mondays: Time for Cozy Feet


Yes, it's time for cozy feet again.
Freely going barefoot outdoors has come to an end.
It's time for cozy socks and warm sturdy shoes.
What better way to welcome this next season
but with some new wool socks?
I have a lovely variety of yarn that I have 
plans for...some for friends and some for family.
I love the worsted weight wool yarn for these
as they work up faster and I just have to admit
I enjoy the size of the yarn to work with more then
with the fingerling/small sock weight.
That said...I finally finished up a scarf that I've 
been working on for yes...a long time.
It's a delightful delicate scarf with a lovely drape to it.
So, there is a lovely effort to be made with the smaller yarn.
If any of you were wondering--- it's a pattern called Birch Trees.

This week I also finished up re-doing 
the cushions for our camper.
The foam needed to be washed so I took the covers off
and then washed those as well. 
I must say that I will never wash foam in such large 
sizes ever again!
It was so hard to wring out and then also took 
forever to dry. is done and the covers are sewn on snugly again.
I used the ladder stitch and it closed up the seams so nicely.  

A fun project that I finally got around to 
is tidying up this cute little basket I had found.
It is broken a bit in along the right side of the lid.
I glued down the wooden pieces that were hanging
and then glued on this leather belt I found
around the edge of the lid to add more stability 
plus I thought it was kinda cute.

Oh another fun find this past week was this 
light-up art for my son.
It's a bottle cap look with some little lights.
Something fun for his wall in his new room.
It has been at the one store for a long time and I've 
thought about it for being on sale I splurged.

Along with the warm socks,
cozy warm blankets 
and soft lighting
that comes along with the fall.
Time for some tea. 
Yes, each season has it's special tea tastes.
Well at least for me.
As the weather cools I have a hankering for black tea.
I am not having sugar at the moment
so I added a couple drops of stevia along with some cream.
It mades for a lovely cup of tea.
Just to sit and sip
while watching the leaves outside
swirl and fall in the wind from the trees.
I do miss the leaves on the trees...but oh the beauty of them falling!

This week we spotted this funny scene 
out the kitchen window.
There was our neighbourhood fox sitting quietly
watching the fat shed squirrel having a meal 
at the corner of the roof. 
After finishing up his cone he tossed it down at the fox 
and then scampered off across the roof.
The fox then proceeded to trot around the building
looking to see where it was off to.
I have to say that little fox left without a meal.
Sad for the fox, but I do really like that 
chubby squirrel who is so friendly.

Thank you for dropping by!
What kind of cozy have you been adding to your homes
as the seasons are changing?

I hope you have a beautiful day
keeping your home.

Love and Prayers,

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