Monday 13 June 2022

Homemaking Mondays: The Work Of Your Hands


It's a drizzly day out and a good day 
to think on the past week.
Little bits of pleasant things 
smattered through out days. 

Last week my sons and I enjoyed a quick lunch outdoors.
We took a break from our gardening work
and eat at the picnic table. 
I have this wonderful wooden tray 
that I put some food on to carry outside. 

It's been quite nice weather up until the last couple days.
Now it's been raining...which we do need.
I just wish it interspersed with sunshine so I can work outside.

So indoors my thought turn on rainy days.
I found this candle at the free store and as I looked around
I also spotted this cute little bowl all on it's own. 
It's got a stamp on the bottom that says
Cream Petal from Grindley England.
I thought they went together nicely and so I have another
cute candle piece to put in the house.

There are some larger wildlife that is emerging to where
we see them more. 
The bears have come to the roadsides to enjoy
the fresh spring dandelions.
Below is one of the bears we saw this week 
the other was a momma grizzly and her two cubs.

Under the row covers at home we  have some 
wonderful things growing for us to eat.

This coming week the community market begins again.
We'll be there selling jam and other odds and ends.
It is one of my favourite events. 
Great place to buy local food and also to enjoy
the local conversations with friends new and old.

With the rainy days it's getting me working on
my crocheting projects more. 
I always have more in my head then gets through my fingers.

The geraniums in the kitchen are still giving us
lovely blooms to enjoy. 
The herbs are getting big enough to snitch from
and that is a real treat.
I have peppermint floating in my water bottle right now.

Another treat is what my husband brought me home
from a garage sale this week. 
He finds some of the best things! 
I've been wanting a matching dish set.
He found this white dish set for just $10! 
There are 11 cups with the set..I'll never need them all
so they are tucked away but still accessible 
if something comes up.
In our home we all have our own mugs that we love.
SO these would be just for company.
I love them as they have
 a wonderful classic look and will go
with anything we use or table cloth we have.

Colossians 3:23-24
"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;  

Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance:
 for ye serve the Lord Christ."

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

"And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;  

That ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing."

~Thank you for dropping by! 
Love and Prayers,



Trish said...

I love the dish and candle you found. So pretty!

Sunshine Country said...

Your picnic meal looks so good! I love little spur of the moment picnics with family like that.
That plate set looks like a very special find! And such a great price, too.
That must be neat to see Grizzlies in the wild. Although I think I'd be a bit nervous living near those!
Thank you for those Scripture verses you shared!