Hello! Welcome to Homemaking Mondays.
As this year comes to a close...I reflect on the past year.
As this year comes to a close...I reflect on the past year.
There has been much crafting and tea in the last year.
Learning new skills and also learning limitations that I have.
It has been a year of the Lord working in my life and in my home for His glory.
I really enjoyed doing the Biblical studies about homemaking as it gives
a firmer understanding of my role in the home.
This year for Homemaking Mondays, I'm going to be sharing about things
the Lord is doing in my home each week.
While looking for a gift for my daughter's birthday this past month I found these cute little tins that are good for storing stitch markers, darning needles and special buttons.
One was for her, the other for my older daughter, and one for me. :)
The special scissors were for her.
Every sewing/ needle-working basket needs a good pair of scissors...
being very pretty helps to.
As my kids get older...my goal is to slowly help them build up their own
"toolboxes" for when they have homes of their own.
I have a lot of tea and I must say that my tea shelves had become quite an embarrassing mess.
That said...it needed some attention.
My daughter and I took everything out, sorted it and put it back in.
A bit more organized now and easier to get to.
It's right beside my kitchen sink.
With all that tea arranging a cup of tea was in order!
I actually grabbed the sugar bowl of my blue country set...so I could have a bigger cup.
Last January I embarked on making a temperature shawl.
You can read about it HERE!
I must say that it was very tedious to remember each week to check and average the temperatures...and must say that I won't be doing this again.
I must say that it was very tedious to remember each week to check and average the temperatures...and must say that I won't be doing this again.
But for the record....it is an interesting way to keep track of the general
temperature pattern of the year.
My shawl wasn't quite long enough for my shoulders....
so I put a border on it and it can be for a baby blanket.
The temperatures this year...especially this winter have been very different then past years.
This winter we've had so many Chinooks and melting periods.
We don't have as much snow as usual and it's all covering lots of ice.
With the warmer weather there has been a lot less sunshine as well.
So when there have been days where the sun shone, and the sky was a powdery blue....
it gave me pause to just stand and gaze out the windows.
At our place, the direct sunlight only comes in the window for a few minutes each day.
The sun will start to climb higher in the sky now and that time will grow.
Then will be time to start planting seeds!!!
Thank you for joining me today!
Praying the next year brings lots of growth in the LORD,
and blessings in all of your homes as in mine!
Love and Prayers,