Hello! Today I'd love to share with you some sweet homemade hand towels that I made. I had found this large piece of slightly stained fabric. I washed it and then tea stained it to hide the slight stains that were set in. I then made them into towels with my sewing machine and added some lace to some as a gentle touch. I love to have them to help freshen up my kitchen. :)
I also have a sweet simple shawl that I'd like to share. I was given some beautiful purple twill yarn and have been toying with what to create with it. I settled on a shawl...for they are like warm hugs. I chose a simple granny square pattern and there was enough yarn for the shawl and two small flowers which will have buttons put on them and then I'll use the flowers to hold the shawl together so I will have two free hands.
Sharing with The Art of Homemaking Mondays.