Monday 8 May 2023

Homemaking Mondays: Burst of Spring


A week ago I got a call from my brother
and he wanted to know if we'd be around the next weekend.
He ended up coming for a visit and it was so nice!
We got to do lots of chatting and some exploring our 
favourite places that he had not seen.
Above is one evening we went out to the Wheaton River Bridge.
The sun was setting and it was stunning 
As you can see there was still quite a bit of snow...but 
with the warmer temps we have been having it would all be gone now.

With the burst of spring
things have been busy with yard work and little projects.
Little seedlings are sprouting 
in the warm greenhouse.
I have them under row covers as it's not heated in there.
It is getting warm enough during the day that it needs to be 
opened up so that it doesn't cause too much 
of a temperature swing for the little seedlings.

We're still waiting for the crocus to come out in our yard
but they are coming in other more exposed areas. 
We did a bit of raking up close to the house
but will leave the other areas till the little critters
hiding in the leaves and brush wake up.
With moving I dug up my hascap bushes 
and put them in pots while they are still dormant.

This past week I also had a little fun project to do.
I had gotten this plant from the plant swap 
and the pot was spray painted yellow. 
Yeah, not my thing so.....
I hot glued some jute cord to it and I think 
it looks way better. :) 

This past week I also tried out an idea I saw.
It was using my salad spinner to dry off my fruit after washing.
I must say it works really well
and since I already had the salad spinner 
it was worth it.

Washing the fruit and putting it in glass
really does help it last longer.
Interestingly the fruit in the jar lasted better then 
the fruit in the silicone bag.  

The burst of spring weather and things starting to grow
draws me outside and with that
the need for snacks and thermoses of tea.
The reminder to put on sunscreen as the first
sunburns of the year are felt. 

I hope you are enjoying the spring weather wherever you are.
Taking time to notice the little details.

Thanks for dropping by!
Love and Prayers,


Sister in the Mid-west said...

I missed you last week. I am glad to hear that all is well. What a treat to visit with family! It sounds like you had a nice visit with your brother.
Neat idea to use jute cord like that.
Good to know about the glass being a better storage option for fruit and berries. I did not know that.
I hope you have a week!

Sunshine Country said...

I like that idea to use the jute cord on the pot for that plant! It looks like it turned out nice. I apologize again that I still have not got around to responding to your last message...a lot has gone on for me since I last wrote, and I have not been doing well keeping up with everything. It's still been on my mind, though, and Lord willing I will eventually find the time for it!