Monday 31 July 2023

Homemaking Mondays: Spread Your Wings


I hope you are enjoying your day.
It's another lovely summer day here
beginning cool and warming to uncomfortable temps.
It's nothing like the southern people get
but the heat is not our usual so we feel out of place
and often hide in the shade. 

Things are changing like the seasons in our home.
Another season in our home is beginning as our daughters
step out on their own.
It's a beautiful time
as we watch them take the lessons learned at home
and apply them to theirs.
There will be flowers in their garden
and homemade items in their kitchen.
Above all the Lord will be the one building their home.

The snapdragons we planted by seed 
in the end of winter indoors have begun to bloom.
They are a lovely late summer flower that
continues into the cool of early winter.
It lives through some tough frosts 
and adds come colour to the yard as the other 
flowers have faded.

I found this delightful little hand basket 
at the free store.
What would you use it for?
Yarn, books, or shopping the farmer's market?

I'm still enjoying bacon for breakfast. 
I saw that if you twist up your bacon 
to bake in the oven you can get a lot more on the pan. and it's fun to eat to. 

The clouds have been just glorious
as of late.
The Lord has been sending rain to our part of the world.
I could sit and watch these clouds for hours.
One thing I love about the mountains 
when you get higher up you can see for miles.
The expanse of the heaven stretching out before you.

One of my fun garden experiments this year
was growing sunrise bumble bee tomatoes.
They are very fun and delicious!

The delphiniums are blooming
but are also starting to wane
just as the fireweed....and that is an indication
that fall is not too far off.
With August up here comes the first frosts
and the burst of fall colour creeping in.
I do love fall
so that is not disappointing to me.

For me I struggle to enjoy change.
As all things change
our families,
our flowers,
our homes,
one thing stays the same.
The Lord's presence in our lives.
In Him I find that stability and comfort.
Even when change is good and beneficial,
I hold to those memories of sameness.
Treasured memories of those things I love.

Thanks for dropping by!
Love and Prayers,

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Lots of goodness in this post, Jennifer! Thanks for sharing! :o)