Monday 12 June 2023

Homemaking Mondays: A Love for the Wild and Wildflowers


How is your Monday?
It's a lovely partly sunny day here at the moment.
It's been getting cold again at night but everything 
has fared alright in the garden.

This week I've been spending more time
out in the forest.
The lupins are out in force
and are blanketing the forest floor.
The smell is amazing and the colour is so beautiful!
I love how the Lord colours this time of year.
I love all flowers, but wildflowers are my favourites.

We have an old hammock hanging in the yard 
and it's surrounded by the lupins
now that the crocus have finished up for the season.
It is wonderful to be able to enjoy them outside
and also to pick some to bring in for the kitchen window.
There are wild roses blooming in the greenhouse so it won't be long 
before they are blooming about the yard as well.

Out on one of our walks
my daughter caught this beautiful little moth.
There have been swallowtail butterflies and these other
little bright blue butterflies fluttering about.

My daughter and I have been harvesting spruce tips
for tea along with coltsfoot and some horsetail.
It's nice to know that we've got these 
special plants close at hand.
It is amazing how God has created these plants
to give us healing and health when we need it.

On our walk I found this fun stump in the forest.
I find it so interesting how things age.
With the moss, lichen, and spruce cone debris.  

The interesting canopy of trees that lay 
across the trails 
bring an interest element that I often like
to stop and investigate more. 
Some a bit hazardous and some that is sturdy as the 
branches have interlinked in a more 
permanent way.

The spruce tips are out in force now
and it's the perfect time to harvest some.
We use them for tea, but many use them for 
other culinary delicacies.

This past weekend my husband 
drove my boys and I up to nearby town
where the aviation group was giving rides to kids. 
It was a tad windy but otherwise beautiful day!
The wind just gave them a more exciting ride. 
It's nice to try something new and it was my boys
first time in the air.

Our homeschool season is ending this week 
and it's great time of wrapping up projects.
Then the joy of summer days to follow.
We have some special ideas for spending our summer
and we shall see how it all unfolds.
Lots of time outside: in the wild.

Thank you for dropping by!

Love and Prayers,

1 comment:

Sunshine Country said...

The Lupines are so pretty! And how nice you are able to gather things from the wild for tea. My sister and I have been learning more about wild edibles here in her area. It has been interesting!
I'm sure that was fun for your boys to be able to fly for the first time.