Tuesday 5 February 2019

Homeschool Study Snipits

Hello!  Thanks for dropping by!  

Today I'd love to share with you about a couple things 
my kids have been doing this week. 

My younger daughter decided to make some bubble solution from scratch 
and some bubble wants out of stir sticks and pipe cleaners.  
As it was so super cold up here,
she wanted to see how they froze. 

So she and her older sister went out and blew some bubbles,
and took pictures as they froze.

They would freeze and then they'd collapse on themselves.
So beautiful and interesting. 

My younger son was studying bees this past week and finished up a project today. 
 It was a part of his been report. 

He added yellow pom poms for honey and pollen. 
Then he made all the stages of life of the bees.
From egg to emerging bee. 

He used modeling clay, and then pipe cleaners for legs.
 He also cut out a bit of plastic and covered the last larva, and the pupa stage 
since they are sealed in until they are fully ready to emerge.  

It was a fun hands on exercise for him, and I hope he will remember it more 
then just reading about it. 

1 comment:

Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

Well when it's so cold, what else can you do but embrace it lol! I've never seen that with the bubble before - how cool is that?! The bee project is adorable! You always have the kids doing such fun things!