Monday 25 April 2022

Homemaking Mondays: Flowers in My Home Garden


This past week I acquired a couple new things. 
One is a lovely new tea cup and saucer that I just love!
The delightful blue and white and the sweet butterfly.
I've also tried this new Meyer Lemon tea by Stash and it's delicious!
A good wake up tea.

With all the flowers that are around the house 
I was inspired to add more. 
I saw this idea on an ad that kept coming up in my social media feed.
So I talked to my daughter about it. 
She is a wonderful designer so she created this for me.
The flowers in my garden as a mother. 
I went rummaging through my collection of frames 
that I've collected.  
I only had to cut the picture down a tad and it fit.
It's sitting here on my sewing machine but at some point 
I will find it a permanent home. 

I am loving the beautiful burst of the pink violets as well. 
I must say I do also adore the little ruffled petals. 

With homeschooling I've been trying something new
for when the boys read books. 
They read all the time but I wanted to challenge them to 
dig a little deeper and think a little more about what they are reading.
I came across this SOAPSTone method. 
It asks some good simple questions for the 
speaker, occasion, audience, purpose, subject, and tone. 
No book how simple it may seem is just fluff. 
Every book has something that it's teaching or wanting to convey. 
The author of the books values and beliefs also come through in their writing. 
So doing author studies or research is good to understand more about
what you are reading. 

The springtime is becoming more forceful up here 
and winter is starting to back down.
The sun is warmer when it does shine and the temperature is rising more.
The winds are strong and yesterday we actually had rain.  
Of course it was snowing again some this morning....but it's already melting nicely.
There are now little patches of soil under some of the bigger trees.  
There are puddles and mud in the drive and the smell.  
Oh the smell of springtime is starting to come on strong! 

Indoors the seedlings are growing. 
I am itching to start the greenhouse work...but alas
there is still too much snow just yet.  
I re-seeded more squash today as for some reason my others 
don't want to grow? 
With gardening it's my eatable hobby and every year is an experiment.
Sometimes some things grow without effort and others 
well...they need some strong encouragement. 
In it all the Lord is good and there is always something to eat in the end. 

I pray you all have a wonderful week! 
Thanks for dropping by!

Love and Prayers,


  1. Oh, I love your new blue and white tea cup! Blue and white together is a favorite color combination of mine. Your african violets are beautiful as well! Both of mine are different shades of purple, I've yet to get one with pink flowers.

  2. This post was like a visit with you. :) The Mother's flower garden is such a sweet idea! Did you have those dried flowers just laying around? I would have to plan something like that a year in advance, so that I could grow the right flowers and then press them.
    Homeschooling! I am excited about homeschooling at the moment because a curriculum that a I ordered just came. I know it is the wrong time of year for most families to start a curriculum. Haha! My children are young and we don't have summer activities. I like to keep our normal daily rhythm going year round, so we will be doing some school through the summer.
    You are so right about authors and doing our research before we soak up their ideas We have to keep our thinking caps on! :)
    Have a good week!

  3. What a beautiful teacup! The dainty design is perfect for spring.

    It's yard sale season and I'm hoping to hunt for some tea pretties at the church sales...


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