Monday, 24 September 2018

Homemaking Mondays: A Virtuous Woman Part 2

Welcome to Homemaking Mondays! 

Here are some more verses from Proverbs 31 with some thoughts on each one. 

Proverbs 31:14
" She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar."
We all have different circumstances, and places where we live.  We all have different ways to access food.  Many can just go to the grocery store for their food. Some order food online.  Some go to neighbouring farms for specific foods, other grow their own.  
It really doesn't matter how you go about it, it is the matter of the effort of gathering food for the families needs that is important.  This is her task. 

Proverbs 31:15
"She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens."
Are you a morning person?  I am not, and I really struggle in this area.  I am not good at waking up early but I am working on it all the time.  Being up early to get food ready for your family is important.  Being available in the morning to meet your families needs is just as important as being available at any other part of the day.  
In this verse it mentions her maidens.  Now most of us do not have servants to help with the tasks of home, but some of us do have older daughters who are a great blessing in this area.  To have others to share the work load with is wonderful!  Even when we don't have others to help, it is a task that we must apply ourselves to.  

Proverbs 31:16
"She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard."
Here it speaks of the virtuous woman buying property for a specific need. The fruit of her hands is referring to the earnings that she made from working with her hands.  She had money saved to plant the vineyard. 
Do you garden? Do you save up earnings from tasks you've done to plant food with? Perhaps you have your husband give you an allotted amount to garden with? 
In the latter part of the winter, I start seedlings in my windows.  I grow more then I'll need, and then in the first garden market in our community I sell the extras. That money helps to cover the cost of the seeds I need for the garden.  
I know that everyone isn't interested in gardening, but every little effort is beneficial!  It could just be a small herb garden on your kitchen window.  Gardening is also varied in what kinds of foods your family eats, where you live, and what kind of climate you have.  
I encourage you if you've not attempted a garden before... give it a try!  There is no such thing as a black thumb... it's a learning thing.  If you have someone you know, or a neighbour who them for help and support.  This is a wonderful area that older woman can teach younger women in.  No matter the size of the garden (I've had tiny and large gardens) it's good to be able to provide food for your family by the work of your own hands.  If you live in an area where you can grow fruit vines or trees...that is a great blessing!  I am not able to grow trees where I live, but pick low bush cranberries to make into juice.  Do what you can! 

Proverbs 31:17
"She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms."
This denotes a strong woman.  Not all of us have great health or strength.  I think this is a goal that all women should have. Not to be body builders, but to have the ability to handle the tasks in our home effectively.  We all need to exercise.  It doesn't mean that we need to join a gym (although you could if that were an option for you), but just being active around our homes is good.  Housework can be very good exercise.  Going for walks or doing activities with our children all helps in this area.  I'm not a real athletic person, but I do seek to work on this area so that I do have the strength to accomplish the needs of my home.  

Love and Prayers,


  1. I enjoyed reading what you
    shared last week on Proverbs 31
    and was pleased to see Today's Post.

    Take Care x

  2. I am a morning person. I think it helps that I go to bed at the same time every night. My body is just used to waking up early, and my sweet husband ALWAYS says something nice to me when we wake up, so that helps, too!

  3. I really enjoyed taking time to read these verses. I appreciate your honest and balanced approach with this passage.


Thank you for your wonderful comments!